Vacuum Flask For Tea And Coffee From Diwan - Green

  • The exterior of the Vacuum Flask For Tea And Coffee is adorned with an Arabic calligraphy line in silver, reflecting the elegance of the product.
  • The interior is specially designed to retain heat, ensuring a warm tea and coffee experience for multiple people.
  • The lid captures attention with its intricate details, featuring a blend of modern and traditional artistic engravings that highlight the Vacuum Flask For Tea And Coffee's luxury and elegance. When opened, the delightful aroma of premium tea fills the air, captivating the senses.
  • The handle is elegantly crafted in pure silver, providing comfort and stability while serving. As tea is poured, it flows smoothly and gracefully, offering a refined tea experience.
  • Size : 1 Liter

SKU KP1039

15.000 Kwd Go to vendor: Otantic
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